How do you show love?
Love is an action word. I show love by showing up.
What does "showing up" look like? It's different for each person I interact with, because they require me to show up in different ways.
For my sister, showing up is sometimes literal. Anything she is participating in, you can guarantee that I'll be there, front and center with bells and whistles, being the loudest person in the room, just for her.
For my man, showing up is sometimes simply being available when he reaches out. Or just answering the phone or sending a "thinking of you text".
For my parents, showing up could be paying a bill or bringing home enough food for everyone...or even cooking what's been taken out.
For my friends, it could be a simple checking in text or planning a moment to get together just to catch up.
Actions will always speak louder than words, and for me, since love is an action word, I'm going to always show love more than I say it.